All about data of sharehouse in Japan

All data on this page is taken from the following sources.
Market trend survey by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism [国土交通省] Period of implementation: August-September 2015

  • Questionnaire survey of share house management companies
    – Target audience: 520 businesses that can be viewed as operating share houses on the Internet, newspapers, magazines, etc.
    – Number of respondents: 71 (Recovery rate: 13.7%)
  • Questionnaire survey of share house residents and those who have lived in a share house before.
    – Males and females aged 18 and over nationwide who are currently living in a share house or have lived in a share house in the past.
    – Number of respondents: 1500 people

Rooms of sharehouses in Japan

We believe that the most significant part of living in a share house is the interaction with the people you live with. If there are too many share mates, it’s hard to remember faces and names. But if there are too few, you may hardly have a chance to meet them. Taking these factors into consideration, when looking for a share house, be sure to check in advance how many share mates there will be.

The number of private rooms in a sharehouse

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Total number of people in a sharehouse

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Percentage of dormitory rooms in a sharehouse

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Common areas of sharehouses in Japan

What kind of facilities are available in the share house, such as the kitchen, bath, toilet, living room, dining room, and laundry facilities for shared use, is a very important factor.
Even if you think you’ve checked it out in the pictures, those pictures are most likely not up to date. If you’re applying to live in a share house without viewing it beforehand, be sure to check with the share house owner or management company for details on the facilities.

Who cleans the common areas: the tenants or the management company?

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[Private room] Initial fee & Monthly expense for staying a share house in Japan

What are the rent prices in the share house market in Japan?

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How much is the common area fee & utility costs in the share house market in Japan?

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How much is the average security deposit fee in the share house market in Japan?

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How much is the guarantee fee in the share house market in Japan?

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How much is the “key money” (finder’s fee) in the share house market in Japan?

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[Dormitory room] Initial fee & Monthly expense for staying a share house in Japan

What are the rent prices in the share house market in Japan?

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What are the common fee & utility costs in the share house market in Japan?

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What are the security deposit in the share house market in Japan?

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What are the  guarantee fee in the share house market in Japan?

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What are the  key money in the share house market in Japan?

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Lease Contract for staying a sharehouse in Japan

What is the ratio of contract types?

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What is the most typical contract period?

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What is the average length of stay?

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Residents for staying a sharehouse in Japan

What is the ratio of male to female residents?

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What is the most common age group among the residents?

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Nationality of residents (multiple answers) [multiple answers]

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Requirements for recruiting residents.

Restrictions on the recruitment of residents [multiple answers]

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Things to do at the time of contract [multiple answers]

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Whether or not the sharehouse management company has ever refused to accept a applicant

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Reasons for refusing to accept the resident(s) [multiple answers]

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Regulations for staying

Rules on cleaning and garbage disposal

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Rules regarding the entry of non-residents

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Problems during your stay

Problems between residents

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